The colors of Love

The Colors of Love

The Colors of Love narrates the story of a teenager that is unmotivated in life. He's healthy, has two good friends, both of his loving parents and does well at school.

However, he feels empty. Feels that life is boring. That even though he's doing well, it's not enough. He is a bit demotivated and lacks some "color" in his life.

That's until he finally falls in love for the first time in his life.

The Colors of Love

Meet Marissa

The Colors of Love

Our MC eventually meets a young girl named Marissa. She's a happy girl that unlike him has well defined what kind of things she wants to study and do. She's very interested in Visual Novels and loves all kinds of stories. As she spends time with the MC she tries to help him find his true passion, find his own dreams, adding some "color" back to his life.

The Colors of Love

The Colors of Love

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Also feel free to read the full release devlog also on
